So, you have your 2009 BMW 328i oil change due and want to DIY. Then the first thing you need to know is the oil capacity.
You’re still owning your 2009 328i which means you’ve maintained it pretty well, and to keep maintain the reliability & longevity you need to know everything about the oil change.
As you know BMW oil changes could be very expensive and doing DIY to save some money is a very good idea.
So, let’s delve right into it.
2009 BMW 328i Oil Capacity
So, the first thing you need to know is the oil capacity.
The 2009 BMW 328i has an oil capacity of 6.9 US quarts or 6.5-6.6 liters with a filter.
But wait.. wait, you’ve probably heard that it has a 3.0-liter engine, so how it can have an oil capacity of 6.5-6.6 liters(6.9 quarts)? This is a very common confusion among new enthusiasts in car maintenance.
So, let me break it down for you.
A 3.0-liter engine simply means the total volume displaced by the pistons within the engine cylinders. It simply refers to the engine displacement, not the engine oil capacity.
In every oil change the engine needs 6.9 quarts of oil.
What Type Of Oil Does A 2009 BMW 328i Need?

So, now you know about the engine oil capacity and now you need to know about the right type of oil for your 2009 328i.
BMW recommends using SAE 5W-30 synthetic engine oil, which meets the BMW (Long Life) LL-01 specification.
BMW has specifically advised to focus on full synthetic oil because it protects the engine components better and also lasts longer than conventional/regular oils.
Synthetic oil is more expensive than conventional oil, however with conventional will you have to change the oil more frequently & it also doesn’t perform like synthetic oil.
Apart from the 5W-30 BMW has also approved the 0W-40, 0W-30, and 5W-40 SAE grade oil, with different weather suitability.
Also Read: How To Add Oil To Your BMW 328i? (Step-by-Step Guide)
How Often You Should Change Your 2009 BMW 328i Oil?
BMW recommends changing your 2009 BMW 328i oil every 7,500-10,000 miles or 12 months(whichever comes first) if you use synthetic oil.
And if you use conventional oil then you need to change the oil every 3,000-5,000 miles or every 6 months.
I recommend changing the oil every 5,000 miles or 6 months because every one of us has different driving habits, different weather conditions, etc. So, it’s always better to be on the safer side.
Common Signs You Need Oil Change
Apart from the standard oil changing mark, you should always listen to your car. Depending on different factors your car may need early or frequent oil changes.
So, here are some common signs your 2009 BMW 328i needs an oil change:
- Bad burning smell from the engine.
- Black or dark brown color oil instead of amber golden or light brown color oil.
- Poor fuel economy or overall performance reduction.
- Weird & loud noises from the engine.
So, if you diagnose any of these symptoms, then it is a possible sign your vehicle needs an urgent oil change, or you could simply get your vehicle diagnosed by a professional cause, these are very common signs for many other problems.
How To Change Oil & Oil Filter
So, now you know everything about your vehicle’s oil change.
And now let’s discuss the step by step process for the complete DIY oil & oil filter change.
Tools & Supplies Needed:
- 6.9 quarts of SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Oil
- Oil Filter Kit
- Oil filter Wrench
- 17mm socket wrench
- Jack and Jack stands/Car Ramps
- Flathead screwdriver
- Drain pan (10 liters capacity)
- Funnel
- Gloves & glasses
- Clean Shop towel
Step By Step Process:
So, after wearing your safety glasses & gloves let’s get started.
So, before starting the DIY you should idle the engine for about 5-15 minutes to warm up the oil because warm oil pours down easily with any particles in it.
- Now lift your car using car ramps or jack and jack stands. (whichever is suited for you)
- Now use the oil filter wrench to loosen up the oil filter cap & also loose the oil filler cap for easy oil draining.
- Get under the car with the oil drain pan, 17mm socket wrench, and a flathead screwdriver.
- Now locate the oil drain plug under a cover, and remove the cover with the flathead.
- With the socket wrench remove the oil drain plug, and let the oil drain into the draining pan.
- Now after the oil drains out, open up the hood and with the oil filter wrench remove the cap and take out the oil filter.
- Now change the old oil filter with the new one, and also change the old O-rings with the new one from the kit.
- Now put back the new oil filter and close the cap tightly.
- After that change the old oil drain plug washer, with the new one from the oil filter kit.
- And close the oil drain plug.
- Now open up the oil filler cap, and using a funnel slowly add 6.9 quarts of 5W-30 synthetic oil.
- Then close the oil filler cap by rotating it clockwise.
- Now with a shop towel clean the oil filler area, oil filter area, and the oil drain plug area.
- Finally, check the oil level.
- Start the engine for 5-10 minutes or take a short drive to check for any oil leakage or oil level differences.
And after the short drive if there’s no oil leakage, and the oil level is the same then congratulations you’ve DIY your 2009 BMW 328i oil change.
And remember to dispose of the old oil at your nearby auto shop or recycling center.
Here’s a detailed BMW 328i oil changing guide: How To Change Oil On A BMW 328i: A Complete Guide
Also Read: 2013 BMW 328i Headlight Bulb Replacement (Step by Step Guide)
Now you know how much is your 2009 BMW 328i oil capacity, as well as the best suitable oil type, oil change intervals, and a DIY oil & oil filter guide.
And, you can save the labor charge on every oil change to spend on some nicer treatments for your vehicle.
I usually buy premium oil with the saved labor charge money.
So, it’s up to you what you wanna do with those extra bucks, you could buy some extra tools to help you in your DIY journey.
Image Credit: bramanbmwwpb
Yes, BMW recommends using a synthetic 5W-30 engine oil for the 328i, because it gives better protection and lasts longer.
The 2009 BMW 328i takes SAE 5W-30 synthetic engine oil.
The BMW 328i With a 3.0 L engine takes about 6.9 quarts or 6.5-6.6 liters of oil.
For the BMW 328i BMW recommends the SAE 5W-30 synthetic motor oil.
Yes, you should use 5W-30 synthetic oil in your BMW, because it’s approved by BMW.
BMW 328i can go without an oil change about 10,000-12,000 miles or 12 months, before showing any signs.
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